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You can follow these steps to replace the brake pads of the STRIDA Folding bike

1) Release the brake clamp from the frame by loosening these 2 bolts

How do I replace the brake pads?

Make sure not to loose any botls or washers! Finally you should keep to sets like below.

2) Release the brake cable (but do not completely remove it!)

Release the brake cable (but do not completely remove it!) – do not remove the cable, just create some extra room so that we can release the brake pads.

How do I replace the brake pads?

2) Remove the brake pads

  • Release the small allen key bolt (1) – but not completely out.
  • Release the small allen key bolt (2) – but not completely out.
  • Replace the pads.
How do I replace the brake pads?

4) Remount the brake clamps

Follow steps 1 to 3 in reverse order to remount the brake clamps.

You can find relevant brake parts below:

    Your Cart
    Set of 4 brake pads - 240/340-04-10 - Brake pads - Brakes - en - strida Remove
    Set of 4 brake pads
    1 X 22,50 = 22,50
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